Sunday, 17 January 2010

Your vote of faith

At times I may be incongruent,
At times I seem confused;
But I am just being ordinary...
To feel scare and uncertain.

Be a little patient with me,
For I need you to set me off flying.
I might not reach the moon,
But only the sky is the limit.

Back my confidence up and let it soar,
Higher than the snow-capped mountain peak.
Make me strong and unafraid,
Kindly with your vote of faith.

Mt Everest

Monday, 4 January 2010

4th January... 8,000 miles

You might not know his name, but you have definitely seen his face.

In 1952, Ernesto Guevara, better known as “Che” Guevara, set off on 4 January on a road trip that was destined to change his life forever. Spanning over 8,000 miles across South America (including Argentina, Chile and Peru), Che and his friend (Alberto) covered part of the journey on a 500cc Norton motorcycle, "The Mighty One", a name quite unbefitting of the decrepit vehicle.

Through his months of travelling, Che was exposed to firsthand accounts of poverty, exploitation and political repression suffered by the ordinary people in Latin America. It was these experiences that led to his “awakening” (as described by biographers), shaped his political ideology and most definitely spurred him on throughout his revolutionary life.

Friday, 1 January 2010

Fabulously 2010

How amazing another year has passed!

Exactly a year ago, a friend asked me how I would spend my new year eve. At that time I was feeling rather miserable and so, being cynical, I said I would sleep over it and hoped to wake up to a better world.

So it did! 2009 has been a good year. Although the great amount of pitera did help rebuilt my confidence, I attribute most credits to people around me who have made each day of my life special and meaningful; my tutee at the family centre, the children in Africa, my friends who constantly bring me laughters, my family who is ever so accepting.