Showing posts with label Moods. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Moods. Show all posts

Monday, 7 March 2011


I wish I could speak my mind freely without reservation and explain the intricacy of every matter. But years of professional training have taught me that discretion is necessary for greater good, even at the expense of being misunderstood.

I wish all man are wise enough to see beyond superficiality, to discover the thoughts and considerations behind a decision or action. But man often become foolish and blind once marred by self-interests.

Then it is up to us if we should be aggrieved by the fools.

Monday, 13 December 2010

Time Machine

Been to a pop concert on Saturday evening. Mingling with the youngsters makes me feel old, exponentially.

If I could ask for anything, I would like to have a time machine, to take me back to those days when I was much younger... fearless and free of emotional baggages. It is not that I have a terrible life now that I wish to turn back time. It is merely that being young is so alluring.

A brief moment of folly is insufficient to mask or change reality. It can, however, prompt a course of action that redefines the future. The worst thing that can happen is that I will still be wishing for a time machine in 10 years to take me back to 2010. But I rather be waiting in anticipation for each new day to unfold. Between these, I have a choice.

May 2011 be a year for changes.

Sunday, 21 November 2010








Wednesday, 7 July 2010





Tuesday, 8 June 2010


It is the capricious nature of life that taught me the hardest lessons. Yet after all the years, I am not quite immune to sad events. I have felt an immense sense of loss following the demise of my dear friend's father. That it should happen so abruptly and at the most unexpected time makes it harder to bear.

Not so long ago, I watched the quiet gentleman in deep slumber at the hospital. There was nothing unusual about him on that day, and in fact on all other days when I visited. It was hence easy for me to imagine that he had merely wandered off to dreamland and will some day return. I prayed silently for a miracle each time I stood by his bed. Without contesting where the allegiance of my faith lies, I now know how much my prayers are worth. Close to bankruptcy I guess, for they were rarely answered. On the presumption that prayers would work, I spoke comforting words to my friend but now they only seem just too careless.

Perhaps I need not grief over the inevitable ending of all living beings. But it maybe an inborn tendency in humans to grief over the burden which we all have to carry throughout this journey. I am devoid of means to make things easier for my friend and on myself but I hope this will serve as a closure at least, to that irrevocable sense of loss in me.

Wednesday, 10 February 2010


Dreams, a single syllable word with a myriad of meanings. It is impossible to restrict the definition of "dreams" to just one for they manifest into innumerable forms. Dreams... may be tall and may be humble; some are mercenary, some meritorious. If there are those who seek to possess, there will be others who choose detachment. Dreams are vivid, dreams are dull, dreams are enigmatic by nature.

Sunday, 17 January 2010

Your vote of faith

At times I may be incongruent,
At times I seem confused;
But I am just being ordinary...
To feel scare and uncertain.

Be a little patient with me,
For I need you to set me off flying.
I might not reach the moon,
But only the sky is the limit.

Back my confidence up and let it soar,
Higher than the snow-capped mountain peak.
Make me strong and unafraid,
Kindly with your vote of faith.

Mt Everest

Friday, 1 January 2010

Fabulously 2010

How amazing another year has passed!

Exactly a year ago, a friend asked me how I would spend my new year eve. At that time I was feeling rather miserable and so, being cynical, I said I would sleep over it and hoped to wake up to a better world.

So it did! 2009 has been a good year. Although the great amount of pitera did help rebuilt my confidence, I attribute most credits to people around me who have made each day of my life special and meaningful; my tutee at the family centre, the children in Africa, my friends who constantly bring me laughters, my family who is ever so accepting.

Monday, 7 December 2009



Monday, 26 October 2009

Viva la liberté!

In the name of freedom,
We sent young men to their graves;
We buried their souls if not their bodies,
Kept the names but not the memories.
What does it matter though?
When we have new to replace the old.

In the name of justice,
We let bullets and shells fly;
Murdered innocence settled beneath dust,
Blood flowed like an endless spring.
And then be awarded a prize for peace;
What was that Nobel had in mind?
Perhaps the smell of antiseptic was intoxicating.

May we all live on long enough to see,
A justification or the hollow truth of it.
Viva la liberté!

Sunday, 25 October 2009





Saturday, 3 October 2009






Monday, 28 September 2009






Monday, 31 August 2009

Unlikely coincidence

I have always thought that life is a miracle. Some unique DNA hidden inside trillions of cells, a seemingly ordinary body made up of flesh and blood, resulting in a living organism so complex as the human beings.

Fate is probably the only thing more inconceivable than life itself. Consider the odds of 2 people meeting at a precise place and time amongst 6 billion others. If this is not a miracle, I cannot think of how else to explain it.

I have probably been watching too many drama series lately, so pardon me if I have to get to my point in this manner. A common theme prevails in all of them: whether or not to pursue a relationship that will not blossom. In one, he had cancer. In another, it was extra marital affairs. Finally, there was a relationship that developed from misunderstandings. 2 out of the 3 have good endings. It seems nonsensical to try to reason story lines of drama series but they are intriguing enough to set me thinking about how we handle our relationships in real life.

Why do people conclude that relationships will not blossom before they even began? I guess it is because we are sub-consciously calculating the risks and rewards when engaging with another person. I remember that in our younger days, developing a relationship (of any kind) was much easier. Perhaps, our minds were purer and we knew less of malice. We opened our hearts freely, but not so anymore. As we grew up, everything became tainted. Now we know all about rejections and fear of being hurt. I do not know why we become irresponsible towards relationships, how we have learnt to be insincere and worst of all, let ourselves harbour ill intentions against another. Gradually, we have no choice but to close our hearts and skepticism looms around every possible relationship instead… at least until we are fully convinced. But who knows how long that will take.

It is a real pity to rule out possibilities between people because of their preconceptions. Not forgetting what an unlikely coincidence it is for 2 people to cross paths, I feel that such opportunities should never be wasted. How I wished people could be truthful in exchanging their feelings, be brave to take the first steps, be able to see through deceptions, be spared of any negative consequences from being true to their hearts. Let there be no more second guessings... but in the end, we cannot fight reality, can we? So, do we continue to accept missed opportunities and live with regrets? It is your call really.

Monday, 24 August 2009






Tuesday, 28 July 2009


Someone said to me that I seem to have become wealthier. Have an apartment, own a car (ignoring the liabilities for a moment) and get to travel from time to time. It is true that I do feel weathly. Not so much because of the material items that I own but the opportunity and freedom to do all the things that I like. Perhaps having a decent job and stable income have a big part to play in this, but most importantly, it is having the right mindset and determination that allows me to live life exactly the way I wanted to.

Pursuing dreams is part an parcel of building worth in one's life and living it meaningfully. Although we each dream a different dream, they involve sacrifices all the same. I am lucky to have family and friends, and maybe even circumstances that are supportive of my pursuits. Therefore, I will not stand in the way of others who want to pursue dreams of their own.

As a result, I am now all alone in this house. Loneliness is not new to me and it is something I can endure. Material possessions may be hard to let go and family ties are just as important. But a dream come true is the priceless gift for those who are brave enough make sacrifices and take up new adventures.

So, good luck to the one on his way to the land of the rising sun!

Tuesday, 30 June 2009

Older and Wiser

They say that becoming 1 year older means being wiser. That's why my colleagues gave me a "high key" celebration, singing the birthday song loud and clear... twice in fact. I'd wish to believe that growing older is indeed such a good thing, but everytime I feel the backaches... I could hardly be convinced.

At this age, there is nothing so exciting about birthdays. It is even a little dreadful. I received my first birthday greeting on 1 Jun from some vendors. One whole month of celebration seemed great! Not exactly. It also prolonged my anxiety, as if a clock is ticking each day, towards the day that I would aged. Imagine that feeling I felt for a month.

I woke up this morning, determined that it has to get on like any normal day. But how could it ever be? I am touched by the many people who put in so much thoughts and preparation in advance to make sure that I would have a good day.

Nevertheless, I am glad it's over. Just thankful that I have had another good year.

My birthday cake, with faces of my precious all over.

Someone just can't wait.

Face smudged with cream.

By the way, how old am I? Count the number of candles on the cake hehe...

Friday, 26 June 2009


今天打开电脑,全都是Michael Jackson逝世的消息。就连母亲晚上见到我,第一件事也提到了MJ.






Monday, 15 June 2009

Updating contact list

I have a new sleek looking mobile handset. By the sale person's standard, it is not a very saleable model and has been launched for over a year now. Doesn't matter to me anyway, I am out of fashion most of the time.

Each time I have a new phone, my contact list will be shortened. It is usually then that I will do a housekeeping of my phone book. There are those who have been deleted because we are no longer in contact; some whom I wondered why I had their numbers in the first place. Others, I just couldn't wait to get them off the memory... in fact, I wished our paths have never crossed.

There are a couple of numbers I have not used since 1999. Nevertheless, I kept them, with hopes that one day I will see those numbers flashing on my screen once more. Another one I tried calling the other day but was reciprocated with an automated message that the number I have dialed is incorrect. I left it as it is, perhaps of nostalgia or maybe I just cannot imagine not having this name listed in my phone book.

The funny thing about technology is that it brings us advancement but at the same time deterrioration. Once upon a time, I could remember the phone numbers of all my friends but these days, I could even forget my home number. With all the gadgets and platforms that are now available, we are more accessible to one another but then it seems like we have become more distant. It is strange that people could talk like old friends but never know how each other looked or sounded like. Such "virtual relationship" is very hard to define and may even be a little bizarre to imagine it could be satisfying.

I still believe that some things are best done in the old fashioned way. Like a firm handshake, a voice saying "hello" or a giggle and a big broad smile... they are irreplaceable, not even with fancy animated emoticons.

Wednesday, 15 April 2009

Coping with changes

I have not been feeling that great lately, trying to cope with all the changes that have been taking place, at the same time when my chronic headaches are driving me insane. They are synchronous with my heartbeat, though subtle but an unpleasant tempo, which never seem to end.

After 5 weeks, I have finally settled into my new routine of being teacher on Tuesdays, and student on Wednesdays. For a while I was thinking, have I over-committed myself? Was I realistic about how I could cope with multiple tasks at one time? Later I realised those were "transition anxieties".

Being teacher. It was not altruism that I signed up as tutor at a family centre, but was largely driven by the need to feel useful and find more productive use for my spare time. When I was asked if I could tutor an O level student in Mathematics, I was... apprehensive. The cover of the textbook was black; that was as much as I could remember about secondary school Mathematics. I told my friends that if I were to turn down the assignment, it would be admitting defeat and that would be a blow to my self-confidence. Thus, I let the conceited and unyielding me took over, and I said "Yes" to the task. What I could do well at 16, I was sure I could do it much better now. So I thought.

The first time I read a Mathematic assessment book after almost 2 decades, it was like reading Greek. I was, however, filled with certain admiration and respect for myself to have overcome these "problems" once when I was a teenager. Even so, to pick up from where I have left off the last time was not easy. There was a lot of inertia in the beginning and as I was practising the sums and reviewing solutions, I had constantly doubted if my decision was correct.

Now that things have fallen into place nicely and I have also got up to speed practising Mathematics, it did not seem like an impossible task. True enough, it feels good be useful and the sense of achievement from solving complicated algebra is immense. Above all, it is the unexpected gift of friendship that renders true meaning to what I am doing. Friendship. What could a pair of 20 and 30 year olds have in common, you may think? Yet, there have been moments when I was truly moved and tickled by the naiveness of this young lady.

A youth is like a piece of red hot metal, so versatile and filled with energy. If it is bent and mould into the right shape and form, it can become something strong and beautiful. I feel the same for this young lady whom I am tutoring. Although she may not be the brightest, she has sufficient abilities to achieve what she set out for herself. Polytechnic is where she would like to go after this and I am sure this decision of hers would transform her life. I am glad to be part of this "moulding and shaping" process and I just hope we both will bring out the best in each other. We can achieve something good from now until December.