Monday, 26 November 2007

A summer's night Christmas

I have a friend who lives in Shanghai and she has always requested for her friends to send her pictures of the Christmas lightings at home. This year, to pre-empt her request, I went down to Orchard yesterday and took these photos. However, what I did not expect is that I will be hand delivering these to her over the weekend.

It is a warm summer's night, no different from the other 364 days in the year. Some may think it is a blessing to have weather like this all year round but yet at times, the heat and humidity can really drive people mad. Just 1 hour roaming the streets of Orchard, I think I have sweat as much as one morning at the beach.

In this night, there are no snowflakes, no sign of frosty the snowman (with a pipe), no chimneys churning out smoke from the warm fire place. But there are angels, who sing the familiar tunes of the Christmas carols and stars, which decorated the busy streets of Orchard. Though I do not believe that this is the best Christmas lightings we ever had, but I am just as thrilled and delighted to see them. Maybe, it is the festive atmosphere that makes all these more beautiful than what they appear to be to the naked eyes.

I like Christmas because it is a season of joy, hope and love. While we are cracking our brains choosing gifts for family and friends, selecting the best menu for Christmas dinners and busy decorating the Christmas trees at the comfort of our own home, there are others who do not share the same good fortune that you and I enjoy. Beneath the same dark sky, while I can hear the angels' sing and watch the stars glow so bright, someone out there maybe looking at the same sky, only that what he/she can see are hunger and destitution. I wonder, how many hungry children are falling asleep tonight, with no idea when they are going to have their next meal or how many sleepless soldiers are there, holding on to their rifles, ready to protect a home that is so dear to them? If this is the season of hope, let joy and love spread to where they are needed most. And all I could do is continue to pray......

This Christmas, I have given a winter jacket and pair of boots to 2 kids in Mongolia, donated through World Vision. Have you thought about what you will be giving to the needys this Christmas too?

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