Thursday, 30 December 2010

The surrounding is monotone. Rooftops are whitened with snow, streets are lined in silver, tree branches hung snowflakes, like cotton candy floss. The stillness in the air is almost palpable, disrupted occassionally by murmurs of visitors.

Shirakawago, so surreal in winter time.

Thursday, 16 December 2010


蘇打綠 (Sodagreen)






Monday, 13 December 2010

Time Machine

Been to a pop concert on Saturday evening. Mingling with the youngsters makes me feel old, exponentially.

If I could ask for anything, I would like to have a time machine, to take me back to those days when I was much younger... fearless and free of emotional baggages. It is not that I have a terrible life now that I wish to turn back time. It is merely that being young is so alluring.

A brief moment of folly is insufficient to mask or change reality. It can, however, prompt a course of action that redefines the future. The worst thing that can happen is that I will still be wishing for a time machine in 10 years to take me back to 2010. But I rather be waiting in anticipation for each new day to unfold. Between these, I have a choice.

May 2011 be a year for changes.

Sunday, 21 November 2010








Tuesday, 31 August 2010


In times of despair, pray to the stars.








Monday, 9 August 2010

National Day

During my childhood days, I was one of the lucky children who could watch the NDP contingents march-past in front of my HDB flat. My neighbours and I used to line up early along the corridor to wait and I cheered and waved vehemently as the contingents marched by, usually reciprocated with... indifference. My favourite was the Navy contingent, young men looking spic and span, so smart in their all white uniforms.

What did I know about patriotism back then? Probably as much as what I know about it today. My patriotism has never been put through the test nor questioned about over the years; neither were there occassions which called for the demonstration of my allegiance. So how patriotic am I... hmm, I have no means to judge.

Don't get me wrong though, I love my country. I have once told my colleagues overseas that the time I felt most home sick was when I stepped out of the shower on a cold winter day, in some hotel in a faraway place, freezing and missing the warm weather at home. But it is certainly more than just the weather, I love my home for a myriad of other reasons. The stability, the peace and security, the opportunities that I have been presented with and the competitive edge which I enjoy on the international arena. Our country has certainly come a long way in just 45 years.

Some wise words we have been told, that to love someone is to love her for who she is, not just for her strengths but also weaknesses. Although there are polices implemented in this country which I will criticise and behaviour of fellow Singaporeans which I cannot identify with, I love my home nevertheless. Brand me as "Kiasu" if you like, think of me as an "ugly Singaporean" if you must, I have no qualms about saying it out loud that I am a Singaporean.

And so is Cowboy.

100% Singaporean

I made an effort to watch the NDP parade on TV this year, and oh boy, I must say the guard of honour is as smart as they can be today.

Happy National Day!

Tuesday, 3 August 2010

Cowboy's 8th birthday

Cowboy is 8!

This year, the birthday celebration was a simple affair. Even the cake has shrunk in size, although partly compensated by increase in the count of cheese cakes to 2.

Hmm... why my cake so small this time?

Never mind, tuck in!

And a very special birthday song sung by Malcolm didi... so cute!

I wish good health for Cowboy and many more years of cheese cakes to come.

Sunday, 25 July 2010

Dog sitter's diary

After weeks of jetsetting, I am glad to be home finally with no outstanding travelling commitments. While being homebound, I am entrusted with the task of being dog-sitter for a week. Dad and Mum have gone on vacation in Japan, and even sis is away in Europe. So it's just me and the dogs spending some one-on-one time together in the next few days.

With 2 dogs at home, it is like having a leaking faucet. Clearing their excretion becomes almost a full time job. On top of that is the preparation of gourmet meals of lamb and vegetables twice a day for the 2 connoisseurs. Plus brushing and grooming them, it is all the time I have in one evening.

At 7am, both dogs have hearty appetite.

Cowboy is obviously quite interested in the toasts.

As I watch the dogs doze off by the balcony while basking in the mild morning sun and light breeze, I am contented to have them in my company when my family is away. I am thankful that these creatures are created, for they are truly man's best friends.

Looking great after returning from the groomer's.

Sunday, 18 July 2010






Friday, 9 July 2010


I've asked myself many times which is my favourite Beatles song. But it is simply too hard to decide because the band has mostly marvellous pieces.

People often say that there is a Beatles song for every ocassion. It is true indeed. When your car is hit by a cowardly hit and run driver at the carpark, you tell yourself "Let it be". For my friends who have to work till wee hours at month end closing, I dedicate the song "8 Days a week" especially to them. Where to go for vacation? How about "Back in the USSR"? And on Saturday evenings while you wait impatiently in front of the radio for the 4D results to be announced, your heart is singing "Please Please me".

The Beatles at Cavern Club

Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band

Sir Paul McCartney

The Beatlemania on tour, that's about the closest I'll ever get to watching a live "Beatles" performance. 4 impersonating artists performed hit songs from The Beatles at the Esplanade Theatre tonight. Although they obviously lack the charms and charisma of the orignal Beatles members, they did their trade pretty well. Minus the personality aspects, The Beatles are still the greatest! Their songs move hearts, if not, at least the butts, as more than half the audience in Esplanade were on their feet by the end of the concert.

As I looked at footages from the 60s of fanatic Beatles fans on the screen, I began to wonder how it will be for me 20 years down the road, who will be the one standing beside me and if Mayday will still be performing my favourite songs... Perhaps I will no longer have the stamina to stand throughout a 3 hour concert, but you can count on it that I'll still be screaming!!!

Wednesday, 7 July 2010





Saturday, 12 June 2010




贴心的导游和司机连忙询问我们是否有携带雨具。答案是“没有”。我们的导游小姐这时侯可急坏了。我感觉在她眼里,我们突然变成一群不懂事的孩子。出门怎么能不带伞,不带雨衣? 于是,好心的司机大哥载着我们这群孩子在小镇上到处兜走,想找一家有卖伞的商店还真难。因为这个镇子实在太小了,问了好多人,找了好几家店,好不容易才买到三套“交通灯”颜色的雨衣。




我跟在信徒们的后面,有时又急忙走到他们的前面,不断按下相机的快门。也许是我的黄色雨衣太枪眼,或是快门“卡擦”的声音干扰了神圣、庄严的气氛,终于有一位僧人忍不住回头望了我一眼。他投给我一个充满强烈鄙视的目光,我只好懦弱的转身并将镜头移开以表示我的惭愧(在那之前我还是拍了一张, so sorry)。



Tuesday, 8 June 2010


It is the capricious nature of life that taught me the hardest lessons. Yet after all the years, I am not quite immune to sad events. I have felt an immense sense of loss following the demise of my dear friend's father. That it should happen so abruptly and at the most unexpected time makes it harder to bear.

Not so long ago, I watched the quiet gentleman in deep slumber at the hospital. There was nothing unusual about him on that day, and in fact on all other days when I visited. It was hence easy for me to imagine that he had merely wandered off to dreamland and will some day return. I prayed silently for a miracle each time I stood by his bed. Without contesting where the allegiance of my faith lies, I now know how much my prayers are worth. Close to bankruptcy I guess, for they were rarely answered. On the presumption that prayers would work, I spoke comforting words to my friend but now they only seem just too careless.

Perhaps I need not grief over the inevitable ending of all living beings. But it maybe an inborn tendency in humans to grief over the burden which we all have to carry throughout this journey. I am devoid of means to make things easier for my friend and on myself but I hope this will serve as a closure at least, to that irrevocable sense of loss in me.

Monday, 31 May 2010

On the silk road

In 2 weeks, we set foot on the ancient capital city of Chang'an, traversed across the Gobi desert to Dunhuang, experienced desolation at the western pass of the Great Wall of China in Jiayuguan and then carried on our journey to Xinjiang.

There were beautiful sceneries along the way as always, farmlands, grasslands, mountains, desert... but none could match the extraordinary charms of Tianshan and Tianchi. We saw people of different races and cultures. The Hans, the Tibetans, the Muslims and Uyghurs are mostly kind and generous. We slept on trains, galloped on horses, rode camels, sat on a donkey cart (...and ate some donkey).

Here are some of the places we have been to.

The terracotta army museum.

Iron Bridge over the Yellow River at Lanzhou.

Beautiful scenery outside the window on our 5 hours drive from Lanzhou to Xiahe.

Monks spinning prayer wheels at Labrang Monastry in Xiahe.

Tibetan nomads and their horses in Sangke Prairie.

Riding a horse on Sangke Prairie.

Desolation at Jiayuguan.

Thousand hands Guanyin (千手观音) performance in Dunhuang.

Echoing Sand Dune (鸣沙山) in Dunhuang.

Cresent Lake (月牙泉) in the middle of the desert.

A road through the flaming mountain (火焰山). No sight of Iron Fan Princess.

Muslim prevalence in Turpan.

The Uyghur children loved to be photographed.

Magnificent beauty of Tianshan (天山) and Tianchi(天池). Picture perfect.

Tuesday, 11 May 2010

Vienna, where the old and new converged

The Austrians have certainly got plenty to brag about to world. From a long list of great classical composers (Mozart, Strauss, Schubert, Haydn...), to the internationally renowned Vienna Boys Choir, and horses that waltz to a Mozart piece... it is cultural, aesthetical, sophisticated and once home to the most famous immigrant, Arnold Schwarzenegger.

It is the same feeling as I had 2 years ago when I walk down the streets of Vienna once again. The serenity and peace are well in agreement with my penchant for quietness. The sound of traffic, noise from machines, the hustling crowd which are familiar sights in most Asian cities are absent from here. The unusual tranquillity is charming and is what I love most about this place.

Vienna is far from being a solemn and boring city. It is urbane and modern amidst its cultural endowment. International boutiques sell leather goods, fine clothings and expensive watches under the roof of buildings that are centuries old. There are a myriad of cafes around Stephenplatz, some of chic elegance, others with a touch of classic royalty. Being in the old school, my favourite is Cafe Demel founded in the 18th century, which was the royal confectioner of the Austrian Hapsburg empire.

A cup of Melange (coffee with milk and foam) at Cafe Demel. An Austrian gentleman once told me that the best thing about the cafe culture in Austria is that coffee is always served with a glass of water and you can sit for hours reading papers without being disturbed.

Vienna, in short is a city where the old and the new converged.

Horse carriage and taxi running alongside each other.

Statue eyeing on McDonalds. She's obviously "Lovin' it" too.

Wallpaper covering the exterior of centuries old Gothic church undergoing restoration. It is bizarre looking I must say, but ingenious at the same time.

"Mozarts" touting at tourists. Sunglasses are fine for the glare but not quite fine with the classic costume.